Career workshop - Build your CV - 6 December

Available 2023-11-17 – 2023-12-04
Contact person Moses Högback, employed at Enheten för studentservice
Hello! Welcome to a career workshop Build your CV on Wednesday 6th of December, 15:15 to 17:00 in room 101125. This is a workshop where we'll go through the various components of a CV/resume. We will also provide tips for writing a cover letter and help you to analyze job advertisements to find relevant keywords. Over the course of two hours, you will individually and in groups receive tools to work on these aspects, which will hopefully inspire you to create your own CV/resume and cover letter and discover interesting job advertisements. After the workshop there's an opportunity to get some feedback on your CV. So don't forget to bring your CV.

Best regards
Moses Högback and Teknat Career
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