Moving Baltic Sea Region to carbon neutral mobility – opportunities and challenges

Available 2021-05-12 – 2021-06-02
Contact person Pontus Ambros, employed at Baltic University Programme
Registration for the BUP's Space Bridge 2.0 - Moving Baltic Sea Region to carbon neutral mobility – opportunities and challenges

Registration to the BUP Space Bridge 2.0 - Moving Baltic Sea Region to carbon neutral mobility – opportunities and challenges

4th of June 2021, 13.00-16.00 (CEST)

The Baltic University Programme's National Centre in Latvia at Riga University of Technology, Latvia
The Baltic University Programme's coordinating secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden

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Are you currently a student or employee at university? - Required
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Where did you first hear about the Space Bridge session? - Required

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In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will store and use the date collected in this form. By submitting this application, you agree that the Baltic University Programme will store the information provided in this online form for the usage of the BUP, until the 31st of December 2021. (For statistical purposes, the following data will be anonymized and kept after 2021.12.31: Country of residence; additional information; where did you hear about the Space Bridge Session). Data will NOT be shared with any third party.

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