ENLIGHT - Communities and Universities: Sharing the journey to shape the future - Part 2

Available 2021-05-21 – 2021-06-19
Contact person Jonathan Schalk, employed at Avdelningen för internationalisering
Please join us for the continuation of the dialogue between ENLIGHT Communities and Universities that began during the ENLIGHT Kick-off in March.
During this session we will have an opportunity to hear from representatives from different communities and their perspective on the ENLIGHT Flagship challenges.
Following the presentations there will be a closed discussion between ENLIGHT Cities/Regions/Communities on creating an ENLIGHT network of cities/regions. The second session is open for WP5 representatives, representatives from regional/local partners and students.

18 June, 10.00-12.00 CET

The meeting will take place through Zoom. The link will be sent to your registered e-mail adress once you complete the registration form. If you have not received a confirmation please check your junk mail as sometimes automated e-mails are caught in the spam filter.

This event is organised jointly by Uppsala University and National University of Ireland Galway.
Name - Required
E-mail - Required
Organisation - Required
I associate myself with the following city/region/community
I would like to register for the following sessions - Required