Application for re-registration for courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy, spring 2022

Available 2021-12-13 – 2022-06-03
Contact person Karin Tjäder, employed at Administration och service
For re-registration on a course that has been disused, applications has to be submitted before the start of the semester. Late applications will not be processed. Re-registrations are only possible as far as space allows; places will be filled on a first-come basis set by the date of your application. The actual re-registration will be done a few days after the semester has started, then you can see the course as active in Studium.

If you are applying for re-registration or transfer on a course that is still active, your application has to be submitted before the course has started, applications sent in late will not be processed. Re-registrations are only possible as far as space allows; places will be filled on a first-come basis set by the date of your application. The actual re-registration will be done a few days after the course has started, then you can see the course as active in the Studium.

Please note that a transfer to a new, corresponding course will be done only if possible. Note that this option is not available for all disused courses! Please contact the Student service for more information.

You can only apply for one course at a time. If you would like to be re-registered/transferred for several courses, please submit one application per course. You do not need to re-register if you only want to take exams. Sign up for the exam through Ladok.

If you would like to be re-registered for a degree project, please contact the course administrator who is responsible for the project directly.
Email-adress - Required
First name - Required
Last name - Required
Swedish civic registration number (YYMMDD-XXXX) - Required

Which course would you like to re-register for? If you do not chose a course, your application cannot be processed. Check to make sure that you have chosen the correct course.

Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Modelling, compulsory courses:
Master's Programme in Drug Discovery and Development, compulsory courses:
Freestanding/Elective courses:

I would like to take part in (if you only wish to follow lectures and get access to Studium, please select no for all below):

Lab - Required
Seminars - Required
Group project - Required
Written assignment - Required
Oral presentation - Required
Specify what you want to complete from your selections above or if there is another mandatory item you want to participate in: - Required

If you only want to re-register in order to access material on Studium you will not be counted as an active student on the course and you will not have a place in the classrooms or practical parts of the course