Uppsala Forum survey

Available 2022-02-14 – 2022-04-30
Contact person Mattias Vesterlund, employed at Uppsala Forum för demokrati, fred och rättvisa
Uppsala Forum is a multidisciplinary collaboration at Uppsala University that brings together researchers from the faculty of arts, languages, law and social sciences and contributes with funding, coordination of events and research support for researchers and PhDs within the areas of Democracy, Peace and Justice.

In 2022 the budget for Uppsala Forum is cut by 51,8%. We are therefore adapting the activities and funding on offer: We would like your input on our strengths and weaknesses so as to convey to the four faculties the views of the researchers, grantholders and organisations that we have collaborated with. This will be useful to design Uppsala Forum in the way that best suits the interests of those involved.

You can learn more about Uppsala Forum on our website: https://www.uppsalaforum.uu.se/
The Activity plan (verksamhetsplan) for 2022 can be found here: https://uppsalaforum.uu.se/digitalAssets/576/c_576170-l_3-k_vp-2022-2022-02-04-antagen-2022-02-03.pdf
The Annual report (verksamhetsberättelse) for 2021 can be found here: https://uppsalaforum.uu.se/digitalAssets/576/c_576170-l_3-k_vb-2021--2022-02-04--antagen-2022-02-03_.pdf

Thank you for participating in this 5-minutes survey!
Have you received funding from Uppsala Forum?
Which kind of Funding?
Did the funding allow research output?
Which kind of research output?
Would you say that the funding favored multi- or transdisciplinary research that you would not have engaged in otherwise?
What was specifically valuable in the support offered by Uppsala Forum?
Did you find the research application procedure time-efficient?
If you received feedback from the Steering Committee on your application, was it useful?
What has been the most significant for you from your interactions with Uppsala Forum?
Was the research assistant/administrator useful for you in the process of applying and/or carrying out the research/activities?
Have you had contact with the Uppsala Forum's Director of research?
Was the Director of research useful for you in the process of applying and/or carrying out the research/activities?
Which were the challenges or difficulties you met with in contact with Uppsala Forum?
Which of the following activities would you consider primary to Uppsala Forum's mission?
Which of the following activities would you consider secondary to Uppsala Forum's mission?
Would you advise your colleagues to apply to Uppsala Forum?
Would you advise your colleagues to participate in activities organised by Uppsala Forum?