ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Award

Tillgänglig 2022-06-27 – 2022-09-11
Kontaktperson Ola Winberg, verksam vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier.
Välkommen att nominera bästa kursen eller bästa programmet till pedagogiskt pris – deadline 9/9 2022.

Vilken är den bästa kursen eller det bästa programmet vid Uppsala universitet?

Nu kan du som student eller medarbetare eller representant för en studentorganisation nominera den bästa kursen eller det bästa programmet vid Uppsala universitet till ett prestigefyllt pedagogiskt pris. Priset delas ut inom Enlight som är nätverk av nio europeiska universitet, där Uppsala universitet ingår. Syftet med Enlight är att erbjuda studenter kvalificerad utbildning i en internationell miljö.

Nedan kan du läsa mer om kritierierna för priset. Dessa är beskrivna på engelska men det går bra att svara både på svenska och engelska.

Enlight Teaching & Learning Award

Who is submitting the nomination? - Måste besvaras
E-mail adress? - Måste besvaras
Are you representing a union/organisation affiliated to Uppsala University?
Which course or programm would you like to nominate for the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Award? Please include the course/program name and host department at Uppsala University.

In keeping with the theme of the 2022 Teaching and Learning Conference, ‘Diversity and Co-Creation
in Higher Education – inclusive approaches on campus and online’, we are looking for courses that
apply the following criteria in their design and execution:

1. The inclusion of diverse perspectives: Whether in the classroom, in group work, or in projects,
diverse perspectives can enrich teaching and learning processes. We welcome suggestions for
courses that find innovative ways to facilitate this diversity, or that include diversity in the
design of educational processes. This might also involve a partnership approach. Establishing
educational partnerships between students and teaching or administrative staff, between a
university and the community, or between members of different universities can benefit teaching and learning processes because of the diversity they foster. We welcome good
practice examples of this.

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (approx. 600 words) - Måste besvaras

2. The use of activating teaching methods related to the educational aims in ENLIGHT:
activating teaching methods stimulate students to construct knowledge by means of
authentic, practical and relevant assignments that require students’ ‘active’ involvement to
incorporate the available information: to select, to interpret and to apply knowledge to
practical cases and to solve complex problems. Courses that make use of challenge-based or
problem-based education as teaching format are particularly welcomed.

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (approx. 600 words) - Måste besvaras

3. The use of feedback: Feedback is information that allows students to critically consider their
own achievements and (study) behaviour, and to regulate their learning process. In learning,
the feedback loop is essential. Furthermore, feedback allows teachers to connect to their
students’ learning processes and thus is necessary to design one’s teaching. Here, the learning-
focused use of feedback can – but does not have to – address both.

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (approx. 600 words) - Måste besvaras