Call for contributions ClimateExistence 2023 - deadline March 1

Available 2022-11-18 – 2023-03-02
Contact person Malin Östman, employed at CEMUS
We encourage everyone interested to send in a contribution to the conference. This contribution can be in a variety of formats. Suggestions for art-installations, performances, poetry, workshops or more traditional academic papers are all welcome. If you have ideas you would like to share with us before the contribution deadline, we are very grateful for an e-mail with your thoughts, please contact malin.ostman[a]

At the conference we will focus on several different themes within the concept of ClimateExistence and the review committee will suggest where the accepted contributions might fit in. We aim at combining different kinds of contributions and merging categories. We are especially interested in the spaces, cracks and bridges between different disciplines and expressions.

In addition to written material, feel free to include music files, videos, pictures or pictures of material if relevant. If you think the contribution file size is too large for this form, please let us know how we can access the material in other ways (link to webpage also works). A review committee will look at all the contributions and we will get back to you after the deadline. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
Name - Required
Email - Required
Short description of who you are (link to bio or web page) - Required
Your suggested contribution and format (abstract 100-150 words) - Required
Files you want to add to your contrubution (text, music, video, photos or similar)