ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Award 2024

Tillgänglig 2024-04-30 – 2024-05-27
Kontaktperson Ola Winberg, verksam vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier.
Välkommen att nominera en kurs eller program till ENLIGHT:s pedagogiska pris – deadline söndag 26 maj 2024.

Nu kan du som student, medarbetare eller representant för en studentorganisation nominera en kurs eller ett program vid Uppsala universitet till ENLIGHT:s pedagogiska pris. Priset delas ut inom ENLIGHT, som är ett nätverk av tio europeiska universitet där Uppsala universitet ingår. ENLIGHT verkar för att erbjuda studenter kvalificerad utbildning i en internationell miljö.

Prisceremonin sker vid ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Conference, som går av stapeln 7-9 okt 2024 i Tartu, Estland. Temat för konferensen och utmärkelsen är 'Innovation and Creativity in Higher Education'. Kriterierna är utformade för att belöna innovativa utbildningsinitiativ som hjälper studenter att tillgodogöra sig kunskaper och färdigheter som hjälper dem att möta en framtid i förändring.

Varje lärosäte ska nominera en kandidat till priset. De bidrag som skickas med hjälp av detta formulär utvärderas av ENLIGHT.s akademiska koordinatorer och beslut tas av ENLIGHT:s styrgrupp. Resultat meddelas alla inskickade bidrag den 3 juni 2024, varefter utvalt bidrag skickar in en formell ansökan till konferensen senast 30 juni 2024.

Riktlinjer för ansökan är nedan återgivna på engelska, men ENLIGHT välkomnar bidrag skrivna på både på svenska och engelska.


Welcome to nominate a course or program for the ENLIGHT Educational Prize - deadline Sunday, May 26, 2024.

Now, as a student, employee, or representative of a student organization, you can nominate a course or program at Uppsala University for the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Award 2024. This competition is arranged within ENLIGHT, which is a network of ten European universities, including Uppsala University. ENLIGHT is working to offer students high-quality education in an international environment.

The award ceremony takes place at the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Conference, held on October 7-9, 2024, in Tartu, Estonia. The theme of the conference and the award is 'Innovation and Creativity in Higher Education'. The criteria are designed to reward innovative educational initiatives that help students acquire knowledge and skills that help them meet a changing future.

Each ENLIGHT institution nominates one candidate to the award. Uppsala University's ENLIGHT academic coordinators assess submitted propsals and final selection is taken by the ENLIGHT Steering Committee at UU. Results will be communicated to all applicants by June 3, 2024, after which selected contributions must submit a formal application to the conference no later than June 30, 2024.

Guidelines for the application are provided below in English, but ENLIGHT welcomes submissions in both Swedish and English.

Enlight Teaching & Learning Award 2024

Who is submitting the nomination? - Måste besvaras
E-mail adress - Måste besvaras
Are you representing a union/organisation affiliated to Uppsala University?
Which course or program would you like to nominate for the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Award? Please include the course/program name and host department at Uppsala University.

In keeping with the theme of the 2024 Teaching and Learning Conference, ‘Innovation and Creativity in Higher Education’, we seek pedagogic initiatives that align with the following criteria in their design and execution:

1. The course helps students develop transversal competences that support innovation and creativity.*

*For examples of transversal skills, please see the ENLIGHT Competence Framework: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/for-educators/enlight-competence-framework

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (max 200 words) - Måste besvaras

2. Replicability in the ENLIGHT community (i.e. potential for others in higher education to be inspired and adapt elements of this initiative into their pedagogics).

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (max 200 words) - Måste besvaras

3. Reflection on learning and teaching is embedded in the learning process.

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (max 200 words) - Måste besvaras

4. Innovative approaches to student involvement.

How does your nominee fit the above criteria? (max 200 words) - Måste besvaras
Please include any additional information you would like to provide. (max 200 words)