Internship Plan

Available 2025-01-28 – 2026-12-12
Contact person Armend Bekaj, employed at Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning
Department of Peace and Conflict Research.
For BSSs in Peace and Development Studies, and MSSs in Peace and Conflict Research.
Email - Required
Name and surname - Required
Personnummer - Required
Date - Required
I will carry out the internship during the following academic term and year (eg. Spring or Autumn 20YY): - Required
I wish to register for the following internship course(s): - Required
Note: MSSc students have several options. Students carrying out two internships in the first half and the second half of the semester, should select option A course for the beginning half term period and the B course for the last half. Option A in the beginning or last part of the term period may also be selected if the student is taking another academic course in another half of the term.nt
I have a scholarship for the academic term of my internship: - Required
The internship is related to my academic studies at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research - Required
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no objections regarding travelling to / residing in the country or territory where the internship will take place: - Required
Name of the internship hosting organisation / institution: - Required
Contact details and location of internship (city / country / territory) - Required
The dates of the internship will coincide with the academic term (please list dates in format of DD-MM-YYYY to DD-MM-YYYY): - Required
Name of prospective supervisor at the internship hosting organisation / institution: - Required
Contact details and location of the prospective supervisor: - Required
Alternate contact, including email and location if you do not yet have a supervisor at the internship hosting organisation / institution: - Required
The tasks and / or activities which I expect to carry out during my internship include: - Required
Likelihood that I will be carrying out this internship:

Insurance coverage during your internship:
- Fee-paying students with internships based in Sweden: You will be insured through the university via Kammarkollegiet under the FAS+ group insurance (
- Internships abroad: If your host organization is located outside of Sweden you may be insured through the university via Kammarkollegiet from two weeks before your internship course begins until two weeks after it ends, based on the official University calendar (
- Travel abroad for internships based in Sweden: If your internship host organization is located in Sweden but requires travel abroad to perform internship tasks, confirm here that you are aware these tasks must be included in the internship plan, specifying the period (expected dates) and country(ies). Please note that university group insurances will not apply to your activities abroad.
By submitting this internship confirmation you confirm to have read and understood the above information.

Based on the above, I would like to be REGISTERED for the internship course(s) that I have selected:
Comments about other internship opportunities I am considering or interested in.