Application for BUP Mobility Grant 2025

Available 2025-02-27 – 2025-04-30
Contact person Lyudmyla Babak, employed at The Baltic University Programme
This is the application form for the BUP Mobility Grant 2025.

The last application day is 30 April 2025.

The BUP Coordinating Secretariat will get back to the applicants with a decision in the beginning of June.

The suggested project has to be carried out between September 2025 and February 2026.

Application for BUP Mobility Grant 2025

First name - Required
Last name - Required
Email - Required
How many years ago did you finish your PhD? - Required


University affiliation - Required
If you are affiliated at a university not mentioned in the list, which one?
What is the name of your department? - Required


A short description, a maximum of four A4 pages, of your project plan for cooperation with the host university while staying there as a guest researcher, and if relevant, cooperation also with other partners in the Baltic Sea Region. You must specify how your project is connected to the field of sustainable development and the Baltic Sea Region. - Required
Your CV, a maximum of two pages - Required
An invitation letter from the hosting university confirming that they are able to host and assist the applicant during the project period. - Required

Additional information

We are looking to increase our reach at BUP participating universities, therefore we are curious to know where you first heard about our the *insert event or name* - Required

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You can receive the latest updates and news directly to your email. We make approximately one send out every second week, from our address

Would you like to sign up for BUP news via email? - Required

Uppsala University, through The Baltic University Programme (BUP) will store and use the personal information collected in this form in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By submitting this form, you consent to that the BUP store the personal data provided in this online form (email address, first name, last name, date of birth) in order to promote and send out information regarding the BUP Mobility Grant, until the time for the announcement of next year's BUP Mobility Grant after which it will be erased. If you choose to sign up to receive news via email from the BUP we will keep your email address until you ask to be removed from the list. Data will not be shared with any third party unless required by law and after assessment in accordance with the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen 2009:400). You have the right to ask for a clarification regarding which of your personal data Uppsala University is processing or for your personal data to be rectified if they are inaccurate. You can ask us to remove your personal data at any time and you have the right to request the restriction of our processing of your personal data. In order to do this, please write to Adam Sjöström, our contact person regarding personal data, via

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