Gotland Meetup for Creative Minds – Open Mic Night

Available 2023-03-25 – 2023-04-21
Contact person Pelle Forsmark, employed at Department of Game Design
Gotland Meetup for creative minds is created by the Gotland support system for entrepreneurship, non-profit projects and organizations, i.e., Ung Företagsamhet, Drivhuset, Science Park Gotland, Almi Företagspartner Gotland, Region Gotland and Uppsala University - Campus Gotland.

The aim is to create a place where people who live, study or work on Gotland can meet across backgrounds, generations, professions, and expertise to discuss and empower each other's interests or ideas. The shared factor is that all attending want to meet and spend time with creative people that also want to contribute to making Gotland the place to live, study, work and make ideas come to life.

This Meetup is also a place where you can meet all actors supporting entrepreneurial or non-profit initiatives on Gotland. You are also welcome to pitch your idea, get support on bringing it to life, or take it to the next level, relevant for both non-profit and business ideas.

Name (Your first and last name) - Required
E-mail - Required
Open mic session
I have food restrictions, allergies
I am aware that photos and short videos will be taken during the evening for communication of future events and social media posts. - Required
Please send me additional information for future events. - Required