Supervisor's Information Day 2023-11-29

Available 2023-06-19 – 2023-11-21
Contact person Anna Ehrenroth, employed at Enheten för utbildningsstöd
The Supervisor's Information Day is arranged twice a year and is always held in English. The day is mandatory for principal supervisors for thesis in medical science and pharmaceutical science. It is also highly recommended to associate supervisors.

All new main-supervisors must in addition to participating in the supervisor information day also take the web-based course "Research Ethics for Postdocs and Researchers" before taking up their supervision. This also applies to new supervisors at the Faculty of Pharmacy. A certificated confirmation that a new main supervisor has completed the web-based ethics course, have to be appended to the registration at the supervisor information day.

To pass the information day a full day presence is required.

Coffee/tea and lunch is served during the day and is free of charge.
E-mail: - Required
Name: - Required
Department: - Required
Food allergies or preferences: - Required
Are you a new main supervisor since after 2021-07-01? - Required
If you are already a main supervisor since before please add your last accepted doctoral student/s from the time before 2021-07-01 below:
If you are a new main supervisor you must in addition to participating in the Supervisor Information Day also take the web-based course "Research ethics for Postdocs and Researchers" before taking up your supervision. This also applies to new main supervisors at the Faculty of Pharmacy. A certificated confirmation that a new main supervisor has completed the web-based ethics course have to be appended to the registration at the Supervisor's Information Day. Add the certificate below.