Kurt Svenska | English


A survey can be login protected or completely open. A prerequisite for login protection of a survey is that all recipients have an account at Uppsala University.

To login protect a survey means that:

  • The recipient must log in with their UpUnet (-S) username and password A in order to answer the survey.
  • The recipient can only submit one response. The recipient can, however, edit in his answer as long as the survey is open.
  • The recipient will receive an automatic invitation email to the survey when it opens.
  • You as the customer can schedule automatic reminders to those who did not respond.

An open survey means that:

  • Anyone who receives the link to the survey can answer it, ie no login required.
  • One and the same recipient can submit multiple replies (which is rarely a problem though).
  • As a orderer of the survey, you must send the link to the survey to your recipients, or publish the link where they can access it.

Please note that anyone who finds or can guess the link to your survey can respond to it, unless it's protected by a login requirement. Open surveys should be considered open to anyone - if you need to control access to your survey, enable login protection.


All forms in Kurt are anonymous as long as you as the orderer do not request information that can identify the recipient.

Confirmation after submission of survey

A survey does not generate a confirmation email to the recipient that the survey has been submitted. However, a message is displayed on the screen immediately after submission. If you want confirmation emails to be sent, use the form type "Registration".

Data compilation

Via My page, the orderer has access to their survey and can continuously access the received data under the Summary & Statistics tab. Read more about How it works, under the heading Compilation and export of data.